Five things that suck the joy and happiness out of your home

Some things can accumulate negativity and bring misfortune to the inhabitants of the house. For this purpose, make regular general cleaning and throw away junk.
For example, there are things that literally suck joy and happiness out of the house. Dare to get rid of them or miss out on good luck in life.
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1. clothes that you have not used once during the year. Such things without shame you can sell, give as a gift or throw away. This applies to items of everyday consumption, not rarely used.
If there is a lot in the house, then so accumulates a lot of negativity under the roof. It is hard to live in such a house on a psychological level, so you should conduct a quality cleaning from negative energy. Motloch attracts money losses, quarrels and loneliness.
2. Things associated with bad memories. They are a magnet for negativity and bring unpleasant thoughts. It is better to let new things into your life, change your closet, etc.
3. Broken electrical appliances and broken dishes. Anything that is broken should either be repaired or thrown away. They should not be kept in the home for longer than a few months. The presence of old items makes it impossible for new ones to enter your home.
4. Withered flowers symbolize death and wilting. Take out withering bouquets or vases that have died out of the house. Otherwise, in such a house will never settle joy, but on the contrary, will come diseases, problems and misfortunes.
5. Dirty dishes are a magnet for negativity and trouble. If a woman is single, there is a risk of being lonely for the rest of her life. The longer dirty dishes and kitchen utensils remain in sight, the worse you will feel at home. A depressing atmosphere was created and you just don't want to be at home.
Recall that plants can carry with them positive energy and abundance. For example, put a bay leaf under the carpet - to good luck.
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