You will bring trouble: what not to give for a housewarming

Choosing the right gift is not an easy task. Especially if it's an important event. Such situations include a housewarming party to which you may be invited.
It's not good to go to an event with empty hands, and not everyone knows what to buy. That's why UAportal tells you about the list of forbidden gifts when you go to a new apartment or house. Because some things can bring real trouble and trouble to the owners.
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What can't be given as a housewarming gift
1. Mirror. Although this thing is very popular, stylish and necessary, it is better not to give it as a housewarming gift. It is believed that a mirror opens a portal to the other world and attracts evil spirits to a new home.

2. Knives/scissors and sharp-edged objects. According to the folk omens, such things will bring quarrels and disagreements to the house where they were brought, and "sharpness" and conflicts will appear between the owners.
If you think it's a great gift, it's better to take a coin payment for these items.
3. Money and wallets. By gifting money and a wallet, you are taking wealth, prosperity, and financial abundance away from the family.
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4. Clock. This thing will count down the time until the person dies. If you give a watch as a housewarming gift, you will start the process of counting down the days of the homeowners' life. It's better not to give such a gift for any holiday at all.

5. Pearls and jewelry from them. With such a gift, you can "invite" tears, pain, despair, and quarrels into the family. It is believed that pearls symbolize women's tears, and the girl who wears them will cry a lot. That is, you can doom a woman to an unhappy family life and she will become a magnet for troubles and misfortunes.
Read also: You will spoil the life of young people - 10 gifts that cannot be given at a wedding
Previously, UAportal wrote about why you can't gift flowers in a pot, as well as about omens and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.
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