
Increases the risk of heart attack and irritates the intestines: who is strictly contraindicated to drink coffee

Maria Tsikhotska

Increases the risk of heart attack and irritates the intestines: who is strictly contraindicated to drink coffee
There are a number of diseases in which coffee consumption can be harmful

Coffee is a favorite drink of millions of people, which is usually drunk in the morning for vigor and enjoyment. However, despite its beneficial properties, there are a number of diseases in which coffee consumption can be harmful.

Arterial hypertension

Coffee raises blood pressure, so people with hypertension should limit their consumption or give it up completely. This is especially true for people with severe hypertension. TSN writes about this.

Diseases of the stomach and duodenum

Coffee increases the acidity of gastric juice, which can worsen the condition of people with gastritis, gastric ulcers, or duodenal ulcers. You should also not drink coffee on an empty stomach, as this can lead to heartburn and other digestive problems.

Increased anxiety and insomnia

The caffeine in coffee can increase anxiety and insomnia. Therefore, people with these problems should limit their coffee consumption or give it up completely.

Osteoporosis and pregnancy

Coffee can contribute to the leaching of calcium from bones, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. This is especially true for women after menopause. Coffee can also negatively affect the development of the child's bone system during pregnancy. Therefore, women in these periods of life should limit their coffee consumption.

High cholesterol

The caffeostol contained in coffee can increase blood cholesterol levels. This is especially true for women who consume 5-6 cups of coffee per day.

In general, people with any of these conditions should consult a doctor to determine if they can drink coffee.

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