Why you should not step over a lying person: omens and superstitions

In childhood, it was often said that you should not step over someone because that person will not grow up. And to cancel the action, you need to step back.
The roots of this belief were told by folklorist and anthropologist Daria Antsibor and researcher of folk beliefs and ethnologist Anna Nikolayeva.
Read also: Why it is advised to sit on the road before a long journey
"It's like a person won't grow up, because they stepped on him, symbolically placing a cross on him," explains Daria Antsibor, a folklorist.
In ancient times, this belief was based on a connection with the other world. The human body was also symbolic, the bottom of which is one of the markers of the other world.
"At the same time, there were ideas about the healing and magical property of transgressions, if they were carried out by a mother over a sick child. In such a case, she transgressed, saying: "What I gave birth to you, that is what I did." The symbolism of the lower body, in this case, is decisive," he adds. folklorist Darya Antsibor.
Previously, UAportal wrote about why you can't give flowers in a pot, as well as about omens and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.
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