Why don't cacti bloom: flower growers named 7 reasons

Although cacti are not colorful plants, they bloom very beautifully. It is easy to make mamilaria, echinopsis, rebutia, astrophytum and ceres bloom at home, but sometimes flowers do not appear or fall off without opening. What is the reason for the lack of blooming cactus, was examined by Ukr.Media.
Approximately half of the species of flowering cacti bloom only after 3-4 years. Some rebutias and ailosters can bloom in the first or second year of the life cycle. Ferocactus, for example, do not bloom until they are 10-15 years old.
Most cacti begin to bloom in the spring after emerging from winter dormancy, usually lasting from December to March. It happens during the winter that the buds are set to achieve blooming in spring, it is important to provide the plant with a cool location and reduce watering. If these conditions are not met, there will be no flowers in the spring.
Cacti do not feel comfortable in clay soil, they prefer sandy peat soil. The plant requires a special mixture of soil. Therefore, when transplanting the plant, you should take into account its requirements for the planting material.
The pot should match the size of the roots. If it is too large, all the energy of the cactus will go to growth. The plant will intensively develop the root system until it fills the entire space.
Fresh air
Cacti especially need fresh air in the summer. If proper ventilation cannot be provided, take the plant out onto the balcony.
Laying offspring, when they remain on the mother plant, takes energy away from the adult cactus, and this can lead to a lack of flowering. Therefore, "babies" should be separated in a timely manner.
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Pot position
If you move the pot or return it in the process of laying buds, this can knock the plant from the "medicine".
Cacti are ideal as houseplants because of their unpretentious nature. Even if you happen to forget to water them on time, it won't be a big problem. Growing them is easy even for beginners.
Recall, we have already written how to make a cactus bloom.
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