Remains of ancient turtles and crocodiles: 274 meters deep hole discovered in the ocean off Yucatan

A massive sea cave 274 meters deep has been found off the southeastern coast of Yucatan. The blue hole was discovered by scientists from the Colegio de la Frontera Sur back in September 2021, but information about the research has only recently emerged. The hole was named Taam Ja', which means "Deep Water". According to scientists, the hole is part of the Mexican underwater cave system in Sistema Sac Actun.
This is reported by IFLScience.
Studies show that the area of the hole is more than 13.6 meters and the slope of its sides is 80 degrees. The mouth of the cave is located at a depth of 5 meters below sea level.
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Scientists claim that blue holes owe their formation to the Ice Age: back then, the world's ocean level was more than 100 meters lower than today. Blue holes are former limestone caves that were flooded as sea levels rose. The ceiling collapsed under the pressure of the water and a deep cave was formed.
The fossilized remains of ancient turtles and crocodiles stuck there were found in the cave. Blue holes are a place where microbial life, corals, turtles, and even sharks accumulate.
As a reminder, scientists found a ship that sank 81 years ago off the coast of Australia.
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