
One of the EU countries wants to cancel payments for refugees from Ukraine: what is the reason and who will be left without funds

Anastasia Kryshchuk

One of the EU countries wants to cancel payments for refugees from Ukraine: what is the reason and who will be left without funds
Germany plans to cancel payments for refugees from Ukraine. Source: freepik

Germany is considering the possibility of stopping payments of state support to unemployed Ukrainian refugees due to insufficient incentives to find work. The federal government intends to introduce stricter rules to motivate people to find employment.

Carsten Linnemann, Secretary General of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the largest opposition party in Germany, said in an interview with the Funke media group that there are a significant number of people in the country who do not want to work, so simply cutting social benefits is not an effective incentive. "It is necessary to completely cancel the support for basic income," he said. This was reported by OBOZ.UA.

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Linnemann also focused on the situation with Ukrainian refugees who enjoy social benefits in Germany. He emphasized that more than half of Ukrainians are employed in other European countries, while in Germany this figure is only 25%. "We need to discuss why more than 50% of Ukrainians are employed in many European countries, but only 25% in Germany," Linnemann said.

In his opinion, the root of the problem lies in the lack of sufficient incentives from the federal government to encourage Ukrainian refugees to find work. "Ukrainians are also defending our freedom. But if there is a benefit, it is associated with something in return. This also applies to employment," he adds.

The federal government plans to introduce stricter rules to encourage more people receiving social benefits to look for work. Among the innovations, it is proposed to punish refusal to work and illegal employment with a reduction in benefits.

According to official statistics, only about a quarter of the more than one million Ukrainians of working age residing in Germany are employed, raising concerns about the effectiveness of current employment incentives.

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