Negative energy at home: how to recognize and effective ways to get rid of it

Any house can be inhabited by negative and even evil forces. They affect the psycho-emotional state of those who live there, their health, cash flow, and family relationships.
There are several effective ways to recognize negative energy. You shouldn't ignore the problem, and once it's detected, it should be eliminated.
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What are the signs of negative energy at home?
The following problems are bad "bells and whistles"
- dishes break frequently, plumbing/household appliances break (note that such things can fail due to their age or improper use);
- insects and other pests enter the house,
- indoor plants cannot take root and wither,
- pets run away from home or die,
- things just disappear,
- frequent problems with wiring,
- drafts are felt when doors and windows are closed.
If a person lives in such a house, they often feel sleepy and tired and may have bad dreams. They also experience anxiety and fear for no reason.
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How can bad energy appear in a home?
Negativity can be brought into a home from the street. The atmosphere is also affected by other people's things that are at home, or envious people who wish you ill.
In an apartment building, the situation is worse, because other people's emotions can be projected onto you.
How to get rid of negative energy
First of all, you need to start with yourself: rest, relax, watch a movie, or clear your home of old and unnecessary things.
1. Holy water. With a glass of holy water, go home and say a prayer. Sprinkle all the objects in the house, especially the corners.
2. Candles. With three lighted church candles, go around the house clockwise, starting at the front door.
Pay special attention to the bedroom, where you should cross the bed three times with the candles in your right hand. When the candles burn out, throw them in the trash. After that, wash your hands with soap and salt.
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3. Cleaning with salt. To do this, you need a saline solution (add 5-7 tbsp of salt to 5 liters of water). Pour it into a spray bottle and treat the apartment, and place salt in the corners.
In addition, sprinkle salt on upholstered furniture and carpets, and remove it after an hour.
Remember that your wallet needs to be set up for cash flow and financial luck. If you put everything in it indiscriminately, it will create energy noise, which will scare away money.
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