Not childish problems: how to wash dried slime out of clothes, carpet and upholstered furniture

If you have children who love to play with slime, you've probably faced the problem of it drying on clothes, carpets, or even upholstered furniture. Peeling off the slime is not an easy task, but there are folk methods to fix the problem.
For example, you can use very hot water, but this method is not suitable for clothes or products made of certain fabrics that cannot be treated with boiling water. You can also try using ammonia, which is suitable for silk, chiffon, satin, and synthetic fabrics. You can also try ice, or freezing things on which the slime has dried. After freezing, you just need to carefully scrape it off.
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You can try to scrape off the slime from carpets and fur, as well as furniture upholstery, when it has dried completely. However, it will be more difficult to remove the slime from long-pile rugs and carpets. Scraping the dried slime can only damage the fibers. Try using an alcohol, vinegar, or soap solution. To avoid smudging the slime you are wiping off, scrub it from the edges of the stain to the center.
"Folk methods" to deal with slime that has embedded itself in fabrics:
Freezer - put the clothes in the freezer, let them freeze overnight, and then scrape them off.
Ice - place it on the slime stain until it melts, and then gently scrape it off (move from the edges of the stain to the center).
Boiling water - Pour hot water into a bowl and soak the part of the garment to which the slime is stuck. Then wash the clothes as usual.
Mixture of table salt, ammonia and lemon juice - mix a tablespoon of salt and ammonia, add a drop of lemon juice to the mixture and apply it to the stain. Let it sit for 35 minutes and scrub the stain with an old toothbrush. Rub the peroxide into the stain until it disappears. This method requires a lot of your time and patience.
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Laundry soap - rub the remnants of the slime with soap dipped in warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then wash the clothes as usual.
Rubbing alcohol - apply it to a cotton pad and thoroughly blot the stain. The items can be washed in 20-25 minutes.
Previously, we wrote about the washing machine mode that is best not to use, so that things do not remain dirty after washing, as well as what to do after washing, to prevent mold and bad odors from appearing in the washing machine.
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