Don't throw away overripe bananas: use them for health treatments

If you bought a lot of bananas and didn't have time to eat them and they are overripe, don't just throw them in the landfill right away. Overripe bananas are a great product that can be used in many recipes.
For example, you can bake banana pancakes, or muffins. You can add overripe bananas to ice cream, or you can use them as fertilizer in your garden. Simply dig bananas cut with the peel under your plants. Such bananas are great for making nourishing face masks and hair growth stimulant.
Read also: How to make at home natural beauty products for healthy hair
Banana face mask
To do this, you need to take out the pulp of the banana and mash it with a fork. Then apply the resulting "mush" to the skin of the face and hold it for 15-20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.
To the mashed banana you can add honey and a few drops of lemon juice and apply this "mask" on the skin of the feet. Such a remedy perfectly nourishes the skin on the heels and helps to heal cracks.
Banana mask for hair
This remedy will moisturize your hair and restore it. Such a mask will also help the scalp.
Mash a ripe banana and add a tablespoon of coconut oil, mix. Apply it on dry hair and put a shower cap on top. Walk like this for half an hour. Wash off the banana mask should be warm water, massaging the scalp.
Recall, we have already written how to make popular masks for hair from improvised means.
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