The zodiac signs that do not forgive and do not forget insults are named

Some people cannot forgive or forget the harm that someone has done to them. It doesn't matter how many years have passed - they will take revenge on the offender as soon as the moment comes and show all their cruelty.
In life, Taurus is most afraid of two things - change and betrayal. When someone hurts him, it is the final end of the relationship. He will not accept any apologies. People born under this sign are extremely possessive and find it difficult to trust anyone. If they fail, they immediately begin to hate both the person who hurt them and themselves because they made such a mistake. They can neither forget nor let go.
Geminis have a difficult character, they are known for having two faces, and their behaviour can suddenly change 180 degrees. Today, the natives of this sign surround someone with love, and the next day they are cold. Although they usually have a lot of sins on their conscience in relationships, they will never forgive their partner. In an instant, Gemini will throw a person who has offended them out of their life without even giving them a word.
People born under this sign do not have high hopes for their loved ones. In fact, they expect betrayal from the very beginning, so they prepare accordingly. They cannot forgive because it seems impractical. After all, if someone has hurt them once, it is obvious that they will do it again. Unlike other zodiac signs, Scorpio is not only unable to forgive, but also plans revenge.
Representatives of this sign are extremely sensitive, so they are easily offended. All it takes is a short word or gesture that they don't like. Pisces never forget an insult and speak loudly about it. They are masters of drama, experiencing everything in a very theatrical and ostentatious way. Soon, all their friends will learn about their story: who offended them, how and why.
As UAportal reported earlier, astrologers have named the two most evil zodiac signs that are capable of terrible revenge.
At the same time, there are people who easily manage others and reach great heights in their careers. They have all the leadership qualities, gain authority in society and earn a lot, which makes them the best leaders.
Astrologers also identify four zodiac signs that do not like people. Their social circle is very narrow, they are in no hurry to let others into their world, and they seem quite withdrawn.