The reasons why some foods make people fart are named

Some foods cause excessive gas production in the human intestine. These include legumes (peas, beans), apples, cabbage, bread, beer, or carbonated sweet drinks.
As for beans, they cause excessive gas due to the content of indigestible fiber called raffinose. Intestinal bacteria ferment the raffinose and produce gas.
ScienceNotes explains that beans also contain an oligosaccharide called raffinose, which humans cannot digest, but gut bacteria ferment it. And one of the products of fermentation is gas.
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Beans increase gas formation, which leads to bloating and flatulence, because they are high in fiber. And from a nutritional point of view, this is great - fiber slows down digestion, so a person feels fuller for longer and "extracts the maximum amount of nutrients from food."
"It helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Fiber promotes heart and intestinal health. But some of the fiber in beans comes in a form that the human body cannot digest. In particular, beans cause gas because they contain a type of fiber called raffinose. Raffinose passes through the stomach and small intestine intact, but intestinal bacteria ferment it, and the fermentation products include hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and sometimes methane," the publication writes.
Other foods that cause gas
Any food that contains fiber causes gas. In addition, any food or drink that causes you to swallow air increases flatulence.
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The researchers noted that excessive gas accumulation can be observed due to the consumption of asparagus, beans, beer, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, carbonated drinks, cauliflower, dairy products, fatty foods, sweets, garlic, onions, and wheat.
"Asparagus, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), onions, and garlic pack a double punch because they not only increase gas production but also contain sulfur compounds that contribute to the unpleasant odor of farts," the report says.
How to reduce flatulence from legumes
Experts advise soaking beans in water before cooking to reduce gas formation. The second way to fart less is to continue eating legumes and other high-fiber foods. Over time (three to four weeks), the body adapts to the increase in fiber. People who experience a lot of gas and bloating because of fiber-rich foods usually don't eat enough of them.
"Some over-the-counter products reduce gas by providing an enzyme that digests refined fiber. This enzyme is called alpha-galactosidase. It is the active ingredient in Beano. Research shows that Beano is effective, but it is not a good solution for everyone. Because it breaks down oligosaccharides into simpler sugars, it raises blood sugar levels. In particular, it raises the level of a sugar called galactose. Taking alpha-galactosidase can cause problems for diabetics and people with galactosemia," the experts warned.
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It is noted that bismuth subhalate can be used - bismuth compounds reduce the odor of gas by binding hydrogen sulfide molecules. However, despite their effectiveness, bismuth compounds pose a health risk. They can accumulate in the body to potentially toxic levels.
Earlier, UAportal previously talked about simple and effective ways to relieve a headache without medical help.
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