You will bring trouble: five gifts that should not be given or received

Not everyone knows this, but some gifts are strictly forbidden to give. They have negative energy and bring bad luck not only to the person you gave them to, but also to the giver.
Read UAportal's article about what gifts should not be given or received as a gift. Among them are knives, watches, wallets, mirrors, etc.
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1. Knives. Although knives are a very useful gift that will come in handy in the household, they are not the best. Because there are many different signs associated with knives that promise trouble, conflicts, quarrels and separation.
2. Watches are not the most successful gift. While they are working, they do not carry negative emotions, but when they stop, they provoke a "black streak" in life (failures, problems at work, at home, in relationships).
You should also not give or receive a watch as a gift for the elderly, as it can cause health problems.
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3. A wallet. If you give an empty wallet as a gift, it means poverty and problems with money. If you have received such a gift, the best option is to return it immediately.
If you decide to give a wallet as a gift, remember that the item should be of high quality, expensive and new. Be sure to put coins and large bills inside.
4. A mirror. A person who gives a mirror to someone risks losing their beauty, luck and good fortune. Also, with such a gift, they give away troubles and adversity.
If you choose a mirror incorrectly, it will lead to health and beauty problems. The new owner of the mirror has to choose it himself.
5. Pearls. You should not give pearls and pearl jewellery as a gift, as it leads to tears and sadness. A woman will shed tears and be sad until she gets rid of this gift.
It is dangerous if a woman gives pearls to another woman. Such pearls can steal youth, health and beauty.
Also, it is considered bad luck to give gloves, tights, money in an envelope, cosmetics, a manicure set, kitchen utensils.
Earlier, UAportal wrote about why you should not give flowers in a pot, as well as about the signs and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.
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