In Volyn, archaeologists found a customs seal from the time of Kyivan Rus (photo)

A miniature customs seal from the period of Kyivan Rus, dated XI-XII centuries, was found during excavations of the tract "Apostolshchyna" in the city of Volodymyr in Volyn, as part of the project to build a shelter and an educational building of the Oleksandr Tsinkalovsky Lyceum. Archaeologist Viktor Bayuk writes about this on his Facebook page.
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The found seal belongs to the so-called "Dorogychyn type" and has a diameter of only 13x10 mm. Interest in this find is due not only to its age value but also to the features of the iconography depicted on the seal.
According to the conclusions of the conducted research, St. John the Baptist is depicted on the front side of the seal, and a blooming cross is on the back. However, the attribution of the seal to a specific ruler has not been carried out to date. It is worth noting that customs seals of this type have similar iconography, but they are usually larger and more massive.

The research is carried out by order of the Lyceum named after Oleksandr Tsinkalovskyi of the Volodymyr City Council, according to the Qualification Document and the Permit of the ICIP of Ukraine. They are carried out by the SE "Protective Archaeological Service of Ukraine" of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with the Volyn National University named after Lesia Ukrainka, the "Ancient Volodymyr" Reserve and the Union of Archaeologists of Ukraine. These excavations became the most extensive archaeological research of Prince Volodymyr in his entire history.
The Israel Antiquities Authority recently announced that the world's oldest metal fishing hook had been found in Ashkelon. It was used to catch sharks.
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