Is it possible to throw away the shell from the consecrated eggs and the crumbs from the paska

Many people do not know what to do with eggshells or breadcrumbs that were consecrated on Easter. Many believe that such waste is sacred since the shell was consecrated along with the egg.
However, the church does not think so. Since in such a case, absolutely all consecrated objects (baskets, towels, napkins, plates) should become objects of honor.
What to do with consecrated shells and crumbs of belts
Church priests advise burning or burying leftover food in the ground, but on the condition that they will not be trampled on. That is, you can do it in your garden, in the country or go to the forest.
"When I studied at the theological seminary, we were given consecrated eggs in the canteen on Easter. Can you imagine how many shells were lying on the tables after the festive dinner? I don't remember whether they were collected or burned. Because it's really not a shrine. But if you have when in doubt, just burn the leftovers," Father Andriy explained to Mamabook.
If you are not superstitious, then you can throw the shell in the garbage. When you eat consecrated foods on other holidays, you do not keep the cob from an apple or a stone.
The church emphasizes that Easter eggs and Easter eggs should not have images of Jesus. A real Easter egg should be red - without any patterns.
Read also: What will happen if you eat an egg with two yolks - prohibitions and superstitions
There are also crumbs from paska, a traditional Easter pastry, left on the table. Regardless of whether the paska was consecrated or not, it cannot be thrown into the trash. It is better to crumble the holy bread to the birds or take it to the forest.
What not to do on Easter
Easter should be dedicated to Jesus Christ. Greet your family and friends with the words "Christ is Risen!". You can gather as a family at the table, but you don't have to turn everything into a party.
It is better not to do business on this day. You cannot sew, embroider, clean, fix something, etc. Also, on Easter, it is forbidden to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, family parties, matchmaking or weddings.
Easter is one of the greatest church holidays, and it should be celebrated reverently.
Read also: Easter 2023: what dishes should be on the festive table
We remind you that Maundy Thursday is one of the Easter holidays that precede Easter itself. In 2023, Catholics will celebrate it on April 6, and Orthodox - on April 13.
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