
The Ministry of Education has determined a new system of evaluation of pupils in grades 5-9 in schools

Bylim Olena

The Ministry of Education has determined a new system of evaluation of pupils in grades 5-9 in schools
What grade is what level

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has implemented new guidelines for assessing student learning outcomes in grades 5-9. Assessment will be carried out at four levels: primary (1-3 points), secondary (4-6 points), sufficient (7-9 points) and high (10-12 points).

As explained by the Ministry of Education, each level covers the previous requirements and adds new ones. Teachers give points for separate groups of learning outcomes defined in the State Standard of Basic Education.

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The recommendations also describe each point of the grading scale and offer a form of a student achievement certificate.

The certificate consists of two parts: characteristics of learning activities and learning outcomes. The first part contains assessments of the level of cross-cutting skills without points, but determines the level of student success: "Has significant success", "Demonstrates noticeable progress", "Needs attention and assistance".

The second part includes grades for academic subjects and integrated courses, which are assigned each semester and for the year. Teachers assign points for separate groups of learning outcomes defined in the State Standard of Basic Education.

Teachers can make changes to the Certificate of Achievement to make it consistent with the educational institution's educational program and students' needs.

It is also important to note that these approaches are aimed at supporting teachers' autonomy in implementing educational programs. Implementing the new recommendations will help adapt the educational process to the modern needs and requirements of students.

As a reminder, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed a draft updated Defense of Ukraine curriculum for grades 10-11 of secondary schools. Students will study the subject "Defense of Ukraine" in detail.

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