Which Ukrainians can receive a pensioner's funeral allowance?

At the end of 2022, the Government of Ukraine decided to liquidate the Social Insurance Fund. All social payments and subsidies now handle by the Pension Fund of Ukraine. It also applies to the payment of a funeral allowance for pensioners.
The Pension Fund explained that in case of a pensioner's death, a funeral allowance is paid to the persons who carry out the funeral. The amount of the funeral allowance depends on the pension, according to the law under which it was assigned.
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That is if a pensioner received a pension under the Law of Ukraine "On Pension Provision of Military Men, Persons of Senior Staff and the Ranks of Bodies of Domestic Affairs and Some Other Persons", the allowance is a three-month pension, but not less than five times the minimum subsistence level for able-bodied persons (except for persons whose funeral was carried out on state budget funds).
For those to whom a pension was assigned under the Law of Ukraine "On Mandatory State Pension Insurance" or other laws, the allowance is two pensions that the pensioner received at the time of death.
Funeral allowance is paid by the Pension Fund of Ukraine. Funds are credited to the current bank account of the person who performed the burial.
If the recipient has no bank account, the payment is made through the international payment system "My Transfer". The applicant can receive funds at any branch of Oschadbank (State Savings Bank of Ukraine) by applying with s passport and ID code.
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For this, the following documents are needed to submit :
- passport and identification code;
- an application for the funeral allowance payment (is filled during the reception);
- an extract from the State Civil Registry of Citizens about the death to receive a funeral allowance or a pensioner's death certificate;
- details of one's current bank account.
If the pensioner died outside Ukraine and the death was carried out by the competent authorities of a foreign country, the legislation of which does not provide extracts and certificates defined in the Ukrainian legal field, the applicant must provide a death certificate or another document legalized iunder the law.
There is no time limit for applying an application for a pensioner's funeral allowance. To receive assistance, one should contact any service center of the Pension Fund.
Recall that some Ukrainians will have a pension increase. However, it applies to working citizens. Read more about the accumulative pension system and double payments in the UAportal material.
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