Kefir, vodka, kiwi or mint: the perfect marinades for barbecue are named

When the weather is really warm, more and more Ukrainians go outdoors. The main attribute of "street gatherings" is barbecue.
If you want to cook this dish in a special way, we offer you four recipes for marinades for meat dishes. Choose any one you like and try cooking it. And remember: the tougher the meat you choose for your kebabs, the longer you need to keep it in the marinade. Also, choose enameled dishes for marinating.
Kefir marinade
This method of soaking meat is used for pork.
For 500 grams of meat, you need a liter of kefir, 2 onions, salt, peppercorns, and cilantro. Cut the pork into large pieces, put it in a bowl, and sprinkle with onion, cut into rings. Season the meat with salt and pepper, sprinkle with cilantro, and pour over the kefir. Stir and marinate for at least 12 hours.
Marinade in mint
For a kilogram of meat, you will need a bunch of peppermint, a clove of garlic, Worcestershire sauce (a tablespoon), sweet peppers (2 pieces), unsweetened yogurt (250 grams), salt and allspice.
Wash and dry the mint, chop it, and put it in the blender bowl. Add salt and garlic and blend. Then add the Worcestershire sauce and yogurt and blend until smooth. Chop the meat, sprinkle with peppercorns (to taste) and pour over the marinade, leave for up to two hours.
Marinade with vodka (or cognac)
It is more suitable for lamb kebabs.
What you need:
- Lamb - 500 grams
- Chicken fat - 50 grams
- Onions - 1 pc.
- Vodka (or cognac) - 200 ml
- Dried herbs - 20 grams
- Citric acid - 2 tsp.
How to cook:
- Cut the meat into not too thick pieces (about 4 cm), put it in a saucepan, season with salt and pepper, rubbing the salt and pepper into the lamb.
- Finely chop the onion and add to the meat. Pour over the alcohol and add the citric acid. Stir and refrigerate for 8 hours.
- Put the marinated meat on skewers alternating with pieces of kurdu bacon.
Also read: A weed that shouldn't be thrown away: why you should use chickweed in your salad
Kiwi marinade
This marinade is suitable for all types of meat.
What products are needed:
- A kilogram of any meat
- Onions - 2-3 pieces
- Kiwi - 1 piece
- Carbonated mineral water - 1 glass
- Spices and salt - to your taste.
How to cook:
Chop the meat and add the onion, cut into slices. Sprinkle with spices and salt. Pour mineral water over it and refrigerate for 12 hours. Grate the kiwi or blend it.
Add the kiwi at the end of marinating. For beef - one hour before cooking, for lamb - 40 minutes, for pork and chicken - 20 minutes.
We also offer a recipe for a light soup that is worth cooking to relieve the body.
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