What plants can be planted in a flowerpot to bloom all summer

Flowers grown by your own hands in hanging pots will not only decorate the house from the street but also add a good mood. There are actually many plants that grow well and bloom profusely.
We suggest you learn how to grow the lushest and blooming petunias, pelargoniums, fuchsias, nasturtiums, and begonias for hanging pots. They bloom throughout the summer and require minimal care.
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Pelargonium (geranium)

It is better to choose ivy for planting in pots (it will hang down nicely) or fragrant geranium (known for its persistent aromas).
Pelargonium blooms continuously throughout the summer. Lush hats of bright colors look very attractive. This plant is not afraid of bad weather. But he loves the sun. Pelargonium should be watered only after the soil has dried.
The ideal temperature for growing pelargonium is 20-25 degrees Celsius. And geranium, which was grown in open ground, will be able to winter in a cool, bright room at a temperature of 12-15 degrees Celsius.
Pelargonium is grown from seeds or propagated vegetatively by rooting green cuttings. Seeds are sown for seedlings in January-February. Plants bloom 3-4 months after sowing.
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Begonia bulb blooms without a break throughout the summer. The color of begonia flowers is very diverse. This plant likes semi-shady places. It is better to plant them in places protected from wind and rain.
Begonia needs regular moderate watering. The land should not be allowed to dry out. For the lush and abundant flowering of begonia, you need to adhere to two factors: regular fertilizing with complex fertilizer and frequent watering.
Begonia tubers are planted in seedling boxes in March so that when the frosts end, flowering plants can be planted in hanging pots. After the first frost, the aerial part of the plants dies, and the tubers are dug up, dried, and stored in a cool place at a temperature of 5-10 degrees Celsius in a layer of peat.
Petunias This plant loves light and regular watering. Sometimes they need to be watered twice a day if the summer is dry and hot.
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Lush flowering of the flower will ensure its regular feeding - fertilizers in granules, as well as liquid fertilizer.
It is not easy to grow a beautiful plant from seed because only half of it can germinate. It is best to sow seeds in March because petunias are planted in open ground in June when the seedlings have strengthened. A loose but nutritious soil is suitable. Peat, sod land, humus, and a little sand are mixed. The seeds do not need to be buried or covered with soil. It is quite simple to scatter them on the surface of the earth and sprinkle them with water. After planting, it is necessary to cover the plants, a film, glass, or a light-transmitting cover is suitable.
The first steps will appear in fourteen days. Small plants must be transplanted into a larger container, sometimes the containers are changed several times before planting in open ground. A healthy plant can be planted in a flower bed in May, but it is better in June. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the warm season and in the evening. The soil should be nutritious and loose. Plant with a lump of earth where the plant grew. Water immediately and do so regularly. Loosen the soil and do not forget about fertilizers.
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This plant loves diffused light and does not tolerate direct sunlight. When it begins to bloom, it needs "rest" - it cannot be moved from place to place and allow drafts and rain to fall on the flowers and leaves. It is watered with settled water at a temperature that exists at that moment in the conditions where the flower grows.
It blooms from May to November with proper care.
Fuchsia is propagated by seeds and cuttings. It is not easy to germinate seeds, because they must first be artificially pollinated. But with the pollination of different forms and species of this plant, you can get a completely new hybrid.
It is easier to propagate a flower by cuttings - their length should be 5-7 centimeters. The lower leaves are removed from them, and the cuttings are placed in water. They are stored at room temperature. After about a week, roots begin to appear. When the roots appear, the cuttings can be planted in the substrate: vermiculite, peat tablet, sphagnum, and perlite.
Fuchsia cuttings can be planted freshly cut, but then they should be placed in a greenhouse. However, plants get used to high humidity in the greenhouse very quickly. Therefore, when the roots appear, they are taken out of the greenhouse and adapted to the usual air humidity for some time.
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Ampel nasturtium is an unpretentious plant with beautiful flowers of yellow, red, red, or orange color. Its flowering is long, it starts in June and blooms until September. Nasturtium is suitable for growing on balconies, gardens, and terraces. Plants require regular and abundant watering. It grows better in partial shade and in the sun. Cold is contraindicated for them.
Flowers are sown for seedlings in March-April. They require regular and abundant watering. They prefer to grow in partial shade and in the sun.
The flower is propagated in three ways: seeds, cuttings, and seedlings.
The easiest way to breed nasturtium is by sowing in open ground. But in a cool spring, it is advisable to sow flowers at home for seedlings, and then plant hardened plants in the garden. Such cultivation allows to speed up flowering.
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Seeds are planted at home from the end of March to the beginning of April.
Before planting, the cuttings are rooted in water or wet sand. This method allows you to preserve the quality of its flowering as much as possible.
If the temperature regime is observed (20-22 degrees of heat), the first sprouts appear in 13-15 days. After 2 weeks, the growing temperature should be reduced by 2 degrees.
Seedlings should not be pulled out, otherwise, the plants will be weak and will not take root well when transplanted into open ground.
Watering is carried out when the soil dries. Flowers like dry air and do not need spraying. Getting moisture on the plants is excluded. Water is poured directly into the tray and plant roots receive moisture immediately from the soil.
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