How to grow Venus flytrap at home and how to care for it

Dionaea muscipula, also known as Venus flytrap, is a carnivorous plant. It can be grown at home, but you will still have to buy the seedlings, as it is quite difficult to propagate it yourself.
The Venus flytrap has small, leaf-like traps that it uses to catch insects. The traps consist of two halves that are connected by a layer of soft tissue. The inner surface of the trap has many hairs that are very sensitive to touch. When an insect lands on the trap, the hairs are activated and trigger the closing mechanism. The traps close very quickly and the insect becomes trapped inside.
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The Venus flytrap then secretes a digestive sap that dissolves the insect. The insects are digested within a few days and the plant receives the necessary nutrients from them.
Venus flytrap is a popular houseplant. It is unpretentious in care, but needs certain conditions for growth. It should be grown in acidic peat, in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. It should also be watered regularly, but not too abundantly.
Venus flytraps feel best if they receive at least six hours of bright sunlight a day. When they are grown indoors under artificial light, they should be kept about 20 centimeters away from fluorescent lights.
Gardeners say that you can tell when a flytrap needs more light if the plant's traps are not pink inside, or if its leaves look long and thin.
The Venus flytrap does well in acidic to moist soil that should have good drainage. Avoid using conventional potting soil, which may contain fertilizers.
It is better not to water the flytrap under the roots, but to put the flowerpot with it in a saucer or tray with water about 2-4 cm deep. And tap water is not suitable for irrigation. You need rainwater or distilled water.
Venus flytrap prefers temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees, in winter it can withstand a minimum temperature of 5 degrees.
Good air circulation is also important. However, avoid drafts.
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Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go a long time without eating insects (up to two months). If you raise them outdoors, they will get enough food naturally. If you are growing Venus flytrap at home, you will have to feed it occasionally with flies or maggots.
It is forbidden to feed this plant any meat, meat products, fruits, or sweets.
As a reminder, every flower lover wants her flowerpots to be the most lush, beautiful, and healthy. But did you know that an inexpensive spice that every housewife uses for baking can help you grow perfect flowers on your windowsill?
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