How to grow lemon from seed at home: tips for gardeners

If you want to grow a lemon but are not sure if you will succeed, do not be afraid. Anyone can grow a lemon tree. UaPortal will tell you how to do it and how to care for a lemon tree in a pot.
How to sow a lemon seed
To get a plant, you can take a seed from a lemon purchased at any store. Yes, there is a chance that it will not germinate, but you can try again, as viable seeds are not uncommon in store-bought lemons.
For seeds, ordinary all-purpose soil is suitable. The main thing is to remember to water it and keep in a well-lit place, as lemons are very sun-loving plants. The best place for them is a south window.
To speed up germination, you can create greenhouse conditions. Just cover the seed pot with cling film and pierce it several times.
How to properly care for a lemon tree
In addition to sufficient sunlight, the plant also needs regular watering. In summer and winter, when the humidity is low, it is also good to spray the plant with water.
The ideal temperature for lemon is 23-25 degrees. High or cold temperatures have a bad effect on the plant.
Conventional fertilizers are suitable for the lemon tree. But you can also purchase special fertilizers for citrus fruits.
A lemon tree, if favorable conditions are created, grows very quickly. However, it needs to be pruned. This procedure will only strengthen the plant and it will produce more shoots and form a denser crown.
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The lemon tree can become a habitat for some harmful insects that attack indoor plants. In particular, spider mites can appear on it. Lemons are also attracted to scale insects, mealybugs and aphids. Therefore, the plant should be checked regularly and, if necessary, treated with insecticides, both ready-made and homemade.
When to expect fruiting
Under good growing conditions, a lemon tree can bear fruit. It can begin to bloom even in the second year, but you will have to wait at least 3-5 years to get the fruit. Indoor-grown lemons may not have the same rich flavor as those grown outdoors, but they will still give you a lot of pleasure.
We have already written about the mistakes that should not be made when growing seedlings.
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