Just like in a hotel: How to make terry towels soft after washing

Towels can become stiff and unpleasant to the touch due to frequent washing. But there is a simple way to restore them to their former softness and tenderness.
Water usually makes towels stiff, so you can try softening them with special products or use high quality gels and laundry detergents that are free of chlorine and phosphates.
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There is also an effective life hack that will help soften the fabric of towels. And everything you need for this is at hand.
To make towels soft and fluffy, you will need:
- A few tablespoons of vinegar;
- A spoonful of hair conditioner;
- Plain water.
To soften the towels, you mix all the ingredients and soak the already washed towels in this solution. After that, hang them up to dry. It is important that the terry cloth is not exposed to direct sunlight or hot air during drying. Otherwise, the pile will become stiff again.
Earlier, we wrote about the washing machine mode that is better not to use so that things do not remain dirty after washing, as well as what to do after washing to prevent mold and bad odors from appearing in the washing machine.
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