How to improve memory: four effective exercises from a British psychologist

Modern life is filled with a huge amount of information that people cannot remember in full. As a rule, our memory retains those memories in which we were happy or, conversely, unhappy.
To improve your memory, you should try a few techniques offered by a website
Focus your attention on important events
In his book The Seven Sins of Memory, psychologist Daniel Schecter talks about the sin of inattention: when a person does not pay attention to where they put their things or forgets about a visit to a doctor, psychologist, etc. Most often, this happens when we are overwhelmed with tasks that need to be completed in one day.
To focus your attention on important things, you should try the "pause, connect, rehearse" technique.
It will help you to remember, for example, the name of a new friend, or why you came to the store.
Here's an example: you want to hide money to put it away, but you may forget where you put it later. In this case, the technique will work as follows:
Pause: stop and think about where you would like to hide the money.
Connect: remember what the place where you will hide the money looks like, focus on something specific, such as a flowerpot or a book that will be next to the hiding place.
Rehearsal: Imagine yourself getting the money out of there. Take a few steps away and look around the hiding place and imagine where your money is.
In addition, there are many technologies that help you remember events.
Use the calendar in your smartphone, take notes, take pictures of events.
Read also: How to improve your mental abilities: top 5 tips for brain training
Making ordinary events special
Our brains remember events that bring us a lot of emotions better. Therefore, in order to remember what to buy in a store, you need to compare this thing with something bright to make it memorable.
Live actively for more memories
According to Schecter, another sin of memory is blockage, when you seem to remember information but can't say for sure.
If you can't remember the names of new acquaintances, you can look on social media before attending a meeting to see who will be there, so it will be much easier to remember the name of a familiar person.
As a reminder, we have already written about how to keep fit.
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