How to remove wool during washing: life hack with a silicone sponge

Pet owners often face the problem of hair that remains on furniture, carpets, and clothing. It is often not easy to remove it. This problem is especially relevant during washing when the hair penetrates deep into the fabric.
Read also: How to get rid of wool and hair by putting a plastic bag in the machine while washing
But there is a fairly simple way to remove wool from clothes in the washing machine effectively. You can use a regular silicone dishwashing sponge, which attracts wool, hair, and dust well. In addition, it does not spoil the fabric and does not absorb water, and it is very cheap.
To remove wool, you need to put the sponge in the drum of the washing machine while loading the clothes. After the washing is finished, remove the sponge and clean it from the adhering wool. The sponge should be rinsed with water and dried. It can be reused many times.
Using a silicone sponge allows you to quickly and efficiently remove wool from your clothes and reduce the time and effort required for cleaning.
Earlier, we wrote about the washing machine mode that is better not to use so that things do not remain dirty after washing, as well as what to do after washing to prevent mold and bad odors from appearing in the washing machine.
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