
How to make your iPhone speakers louder through settings

Ihor Romanko

How to make your iPhone speakers louder
How to make your iPhone speakers louder. Source: apple-lab.com.ua

When we listen to music on our iPhone, we often want to get the most out of the sound. Lucky for us, the built-in equaliser in iOS can help us make the sound even more powerful. Let us tell you about one easy way to make your iPhone speakers even louder.

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  1. Open Settings on your iPhone and tap on Music;
  2. In the "Music" section, scroll to "Equaliser" and tap on it;
  3. In the list of available effects, you will see different EQ settings. Look for "Late Night" and check the box next to it;
  4. Once the Late Night effect is set, you can close the settings and go back to playing music on your iPhone.

Now, when you listen to your favourite music, try to notice the difference in sound. With the Late Night effect, your iPhone's speakers will have a little more reproductive power and depth. You can feel the bass become richer, more expressive, and the mids and highs become brighter and clearer.

Earlier, we wrote about how to easily clear the iPhone home screen of unnecessary shortcuts and apps and one little-known life hack that will help speed up your iPhone or iPad.

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