How sorrel and apple can replace soap: a life hack for gardeners

Many gardeners use rubber or fabric gloves to work in the garden. But sometimes they tear or don't provide enough protection, and as a result, hands and skin remain dirty. While the easiest way to clean your hands and skin under your nails is to use soap and a brush, there is a natural remedy that is guaranteed to remove even the toughest dirt.
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You can use a few leaves of sorrel to clean off all sorts of dirt that accumulates from berries, tomatoes, and soil. Simply take the sorrel leaves in your hands and rub them vigorously between your palms, then rub them on your nails and fingers. You will notice the dirt disappearing right before your eyes.
If you don't have sorrel on hand, you can use an apple. Simply grate it, add a few drops of lemon juice or a little citric acid, and then apply this mixture to your hands. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
To reliably protect your hands from contamination before putting on gloves, experienced summer residents recommend washing your hands and letting them dry. After this procedure, you can safely do the dirty work in the garden, as this life hack will help you easily wash off the dirt later.
We remind you that we have already written how to fertilize radishes and beets
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