How to meditate properly if you are a beginner: expert advice

Meditation is a great practice that helps to calm down and improve mental clarity, especially in the midst of a full-scale war. Read on to learn how to practice meditation and get useful tips for beginners.
How to practice meditation correctly
The right choice of meditation technique depends on personal preferences. You can practice meditation with your eyes open or closed, sitting, standing, lying down, or even while walking. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus position, because it is not convenient for everyone.
The main rule is to keep your back straight and your chest free during meditation. Nothing should interfere with your breathing, and your body should be as relaxed as possible. For example, you can sit on a chair, leaning back and closing your eyes. Your back should be straight, not bent forward or backward. Your spine should form a right angle with the surface you are sitting on.
During meditation, you just breathe, relax your muscles one by one, and let go of your thoughts. Follow your normal breathing rate. Do not try to take longer or deeper breaths if you are not comfortable with it, and do not worry if your thoughts fly in different directions during the first sessions. Focus on your breathing and over time you will be able to sink into calmness regardless of involuntary thoughts.
The best time to meditate is in the morning or evening, when your mind is slowing down and your body is relaxed. The duration of meditation is individual: 15 minutes is enough for some people, while others need an hour or more.
Meditation for beginners
If you are new to meditation, it is quite possible to use a YouTube video with voice guidance or ask a teacher. Start with short sessions lasting 3-5 minutes to keep your interest and practice regular.
Meditation does not have to be done in silence. Playing calm music or aromatherapy can help create the right atmosphere and improve concentration. Remember that it is important to listen to your body and needs during meditation.
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Meditation is a process that develops over time. Don't worry if you can't clear your mind of thoughts at first, don't worry. The main thing is to keep practicing.
Effects of meditation on the body
Meditation has a positive effect on the emotional and physical state of a person. It helps to manage stress, develops self-awareness, reduces anxiety, and increases patience and tolerance.
We have already written about simple meditation techniques for beginners.
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