How to plant carrots in egg trays: a convenient life hack

Have you ever tried planting carrots in egg trays? It is very convenient: do all the prep work at home and then simply transfer the finished mini-beds to the garden. First, lightly moisten the egg trays. Then use your finger to make a few holes.
Read also: Lunar sowing calendar for March: what days are best for planting plants in the garden
The lid from the egg trays can be used as a tray stand to keep the soil from falling out while you work. Fill the egg trays with soil and plant one carrot seed in each cell. Remove the stand and repeat the process with all the trays. There is no need to water the soil.
Then simply transfer the egg trays to the garden bed. You can stack them on top of each other and place them in a box. Place the trays on the carrot bed, cover the soil and tamp it down.
Nothing else needs to be done. Carrots germinate well, and this method of sowing is very convenient and fast.
Earlier, we wrote about what work should be done in the garden in March.
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