How to use spoiled fruit and sour milk: time-tested tips

During the times of the USSR, when goods were not always available in sufficient quantities, people used various life hacks to save food and avoid spending extra money. One such method was to use spoiled fruit and sour milk.
Although eating spoiled food can be dangerous to health, it used to be a necessity. Modern technology allows us to store food for a longer period without losing its useful properties, but some traditions still live on today.
Read also: How to choose ripe tangerines and what to do if you buy sour citrus fruits
The thrifty residents of the USSR never poured out spoiled milk. Even today, sour milk is often used as a base for pancakes and pies, and expired cottage cheese is used for cheesecakes. Sour milk was also used for baking bread, sour milk sauce, fermented milk drink and yoghurt.
Fruits that were no longer suitable for raw consumption could be used to make pies, compotes and jams. Stale bananas could be used to make delicious biscuits or banana bread, and carrot cake could be used to make delicious muffins.
There were also various recipes to help extend the shelf life of food. For example, apples could be preserved by wrapping them in newspaper and storing them in the fridge.
Earlier, we wrote about whether apples with sticky and slippery skin should be eaten.
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