How to easily clean a smartphone's charging socket without damaging it: a useful tip

If your phone is charging more slowly, or if you have to find the "correct" position of the cord in the socket to start charging, check the device's charging port - dust and small debris may have gotten in, which is the cause of such interruptions.
The charging port can get dirty not only when you drop the device in the sand or are just being careless with your smartphone. The gadget is often carried in pockets, where small dust particles and other elements accumulate, clogging the port and preventing the charger plug from contact with the connector. This problem can be easily fixed on your own using improvised means.
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How to clean the smartphone charging port yourself
No special tools are needed for this. You only need a regular needle, toothpick, or thin metal tweezers. The main thing is to carry out all manipulations very carefully so as not to damage the contacts. Clean the port with slow and smooth movements, pushing the debris out. It is not necessary to push hard inside, so as not to tamp down the dust and debris. Twist a little cotton or cotton wool on the tip of a thin object.
It is better to clean the port regularly so that dust and debris do not accumulate in large quantities, which will make the cleaning procedure longer and more difficult. This will help keep the gadget in good condition for a long time to come.
If after cleaning the socket your phone doesn't charge faster than before, or if the problem of not charging at all didn't go away, then it is still worth contacting a service center, where your device will be tested by specialists. If necessary, the charging port can be replaced.
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