How to get rid of ticks on the site: the most effective methods

Summer is the perfect time to relax at your summer cottage house. But the presence of ticks can dim the joy of nature. It is important to know how to reduce the risk of encountering these unpleasant and dangerous creatures. Let's take a look at some folk methods that will help you get rid of ticks in the country.
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Why is it worth fighting ticks? Ticks are not only uninvited guests but also carriers of diseases. They are active in the warmer months of the year and can transmit infections such as tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis. Preventing their spread is not only about maintaining comfort but also about maintaining your health, Hlavred writes.
If ticks have become a real problem, you need to take immediate steps to fight them. A traditional recipe used by our great-grandparents will help.
The use of natural repellents is key. To prepare the repellent, mix lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils with a little water and vodka. Use the mixture to treat the grassy areas on your property.
In addition to repellents, there are folk methods that help get rid of ticks. Planting lavender, lemon balm, mint and garlic can create conditions that are unfavorable for these parasites and scare them away from your site.
It is important to remember that tick control is a process that requires systematic action. Protecting your summer house from these dangerous creatures will help make your outdoor recreation as pleasant and safe as possible.
Earlier, UAportal talked about effective methods that will help get rid of mosquitoes in a country house.
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