How to get rid of the characteristic smell of fish during cooking: a simple life hack

If you often eat fish, you know that it has a special smell that not everyone likes. Experienced chefs know what to do with the product before cooking to get rid of this smell.
When you cook in the kitchen, there is a persistent smell, especially if you don't have a hood, and this smell seeps into your clothes and even the wallpaper. It is sometimes very difficult to get rid of it. Use this life hack for any fish except red fish.
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To do this, you need to "bathe" it before cooking. Gut the fish well, remove the gills and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Then pour a solution consisting of three tablespoons of 9 per cent vinegar and 1 litre of water over it and leave it for 10 minutes.
After that, the fish should be dried with a paper towel to remove excess moisture and then marinated or salted and seasoned as usual. Fish likes salt, pepper and sourness, so before baking or frying, it should be treated with lemon juice. This way you will get rid of the characteristic smell.
Earlier, we wrote about 8 mistakes that spoil chops during cooking, making them look like rubber soles.
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