The Cabinet of Ministers has expanded the powers of the Military Committees: how now will summonses be served and mobilization notified

The government amended the Regulations on TCCs (military committees) in accordance with Resolution No. 318 adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers on April 7. In particular, the mentioned changes allow TCC representatives to send summonses to conscripts, regardless of their location on the military register.
Read also: Targeted mobilization: who can be called up and for what purpose
According to this resolution, military commissars may notify and call up conscripted citizens, with the exception of conscripts and reservists of the SBU and the Foreign Intelligence Service, in the following cases:
- for military service by conscription of officers;
- for military service by conscription of persons from among reservists in a special period (enrolled in the military operational reserve);
- for military service by conscription during mobilization, in a special period (regardless of their place of stay in the military register).
In addition, according to this document, TCCs are exempted from the task of preparing and conducting territorial defense.
It will be recalled that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the updated Procedure for the reservation of conscripts during martial law. By the corresponding resolution, the Cabinet of Ministers determined the criteria for assigning enterprises to the list critical for the reservation of employees from mobilization.
The summons can be served by authorized officials in any place that is not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine. It is not necessarily possible to obtain it from a representative of the territorial center of procurement and social support.
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