Get rid of negativity: how to properly conduct an "energy cleaning" of your home

Some people feel uncomfortable in their own homes, but they can't find the reason why. Sometimes unexpected tension arises, and family members start quarreling, overcome by feelings of bitterness and sadness.
If your home is no longer a place where you feel safe and secure, it is likely that negative energies are present. The Sante Plus publication suggested discovering an ancient ritual with vinegar and cinnamon that will help get rid of harmful vibrations.
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Sometimes you may experience unreasonable anxiety, fear, and worry in your own home. This may be due to negative thoughts and emotions from other family members. However, these negative energies sometimes take hold in the home and cause a number of problems: insomnia, fears, blockages, unexplained arguments, resentment, or even anger. To help you cleanse your home, here is a ritual with vinegar and cinnamon.
A negative atmosphere at home can plunge us into a black hole and cause debilitating problems. A protective ritual with vinegar and cinnamon brings spiritual purification and rids your home of all negative entities that may haunt it.
With its protective properties, cinnamon acts as an energy shield against toxic thoughts and negative forces that can harm our living space. In addition to being used repeatedly at home, vinegar helps to harmonize the environment, brings healing and drives away evil spirits.
Here are the steps to follow to energetically clean your home:
1. Start by sweeping the house to remove dust and debris.
2. Put everything you pick up in a trash can and throw it away immediately.
3. In a bucket, mix water with 6 tablespoons of white vinegar.
4. Use the mixture to wipe the floor and pour the dirty water down the drain.
5. When you're done, put a few cinnamon sticks in two liters of water and cook over low heat. Leave to infuse until the cinnamon takes effect, then remove from heat.
6. Wash the floor again with this water in every room of the house to drive out any negative vibrations and clear the mind.
7. Pour the dirty water down the drain to remove bad energy from the house.
8. Be sure to ventilate your home to stimulate the release of harmful energies.
9. Consider burning natural incense to harmonize your home, improve circulating vibration waves, and protect yourself from the evil eye.
As a reminder, social media is actively discussing a new life hack that promises to get rid of the unpleasant odor from the washing machine and leave it fragrant and fresh.
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