Perfect lawn at home: gardeners share life hacks

A green lawn with lush grass is the dream of almost every homeowner or private resident. It is not difficult to plant it, but it requires a lot of care.
Experienced gardeners told us how to plant a lawn and how to take care of it. Thanks to their recommendations, you can make your recreation area attractive and well-groomed.
Read also: What to do if there is not enough space in the garden
Before planting grass seeds, you first need to decide how long you want the grass to be. The market sells different mixtures of grasses that have different purposes. You need to take into account the growth rate and the grass's resistance to frost. You should choose seeds depending on the season and how the grass tolerates shade or constant sun.
The best time to sow your lawn is in April, May, or September. Before sowing the grass, the soil should be dug up and leveled, breaking up clods. After the initial loosening of the soil, wait a week before sowing the lawn. Then fertilizers and weed killers are added to the soil. After that, the soil should be watered abundantly and the grass should be sown.
If you are planting the lawn in a sunny location, you will need to make sure to water it regularly, but avoid puddles.
It is better to choose non-windy days for sowing so that the seeds do not fly away. In addition, the seeds should be mixed with sand or garden soil that is free of weeds and roots. First, the seeds are planted along and then across the garden plot.
After planting with a rake, the seeds are carefully turned and pressed into the soil.
To keep the lawn green and beautiful, it needs to be mowed and watered on time. After sowing, the first "mowing" for the lawn takes place in a month and a half. The height of the grass at the first mowing should not be less than 6-8 centimeters. Then the lawn is mowed about 1-2 times a month when the grass has grown to 4 centimeters. Lawns are mowed first along and then across.
It is better to remove the grass clippings from the lawn the next day. It can be used as a humus for other garden plants.
Also read: To prevent cats from trampling the beds: how to scare cats away from the garden
The lawn should also be checked for weeds. They are removed along with the roots.
It is better to water the lawn in dry weather in the morning and evening; if the grass is exposed to direct sunlight during watering, it will turn yellow and dry faster.
We also advise you to pay attention to the rules for planting grapes. Earlier, we wrote about what to do if you don't have enough space in your garden.
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