Where you can and cannot pet your cat: you never knew

Cats hate being petted in certain places. However, not all owners of these animals are unaware that they should avoid them. Otherwise, the cat may retaliate by biting or clawing.
According to Sante Plus, cats are very demanding when it comes to hugs and touches. For example, you shouldn't touch their stomach or tail.
See also: Scientists have found that cats have a great sense of smell because of the "mazes" in their noses
Very often, your tactile approaches to your cat are spontaneous and harmless. However, your cat does not necessarily have the same perception as you: if he is eating, sleeping, or playing, he does not particularly want you to disturb him.
The first thing to remember is that a cat, like any other wild animal in the feline family, is a solitary animal. Of course, domestication has changed their social behavior. Nowadays, most cats tolerate human affection and caresses, but in moderation. Their instinct for self-preservation is still at a high level.
Therefore, if you really want to get along with your cat, you must learn to identify its body language to know whether it likes your signs of affection or not. First of all, you should pay attention to the following signs: erect ears, raised head and tail, relaxed body position, purring.
In general, cats are suspicious and shy, but they have a very sharp protective instinct. If you are nervous around the animal, it may feel the same way. Do not attack the cat by surprise, but rather choose a gentle and delicate approach.
Read also: Why you shouldn't sleep with cats: superstitions and scientific opinion
The golden rule is that you should tame each other. Give the cat time to get to know you and observe better. This way, the animal will be able to analyze your every move. Very often, it will ask you for affection.
What parts of the cat's body should not be stroked?
Be careful, even if the cat seems relaxed, receptive, and happy, there are certain areas you should never pet: the belly, whiskers, paws, and tail. These are the most sensitive parts of a cat's body. If you touch them, the animal may react aggressively.
Another rule of thumb is that when you start petting your cat, talk to it calmly and gently, using gentle language. Start by stroking the head, gently massaging the crown, then using your fingertips to the back of the head. You can also stroke the upper and middle back.
But keep an eye on the cat's actions. At any moment, she may retract and become more tense. These signs can alert you, including tail sticking up, rapid movements, body bending, or mouth opening. If you see at least one, you should stop, because you are starting to irritate the animal.
Of course, if it is sleeping, eating, or using the litter box, you should never disturb it. It is always better if the animal starts communicating with you on its own than if you try to approach it directly.
Read also: What you should know if you decide to get a cat
The best places to pet a cat
1. The head. The feline's favorite place is between the eyes and ears. Cats have an olfactory gland in this area, which they use to label people and objects. By stimulating this area and allowing yourself to be marked, you strengthen the positive bond between you.
Feel free to stroke her cheeks and the top of her head. You can also gently touch the chin, which cats love. If he leans more against you, he feels great and still wants more.
2. Back. Most often, cats like to be stroked on the back. This area is also considered the safest for them if you pet in the direction of hair growth.
3. Chest. This area is also one of the cats' favorites. Of course, it is also necessary that the animal completely trusts you, because it will not allow a stranger to touch it. If a cat exposes its chest and stomach to be petted, it is a real sign of trust in its owner.
As a reminder, UAportal has prepared an overview of superstitions related to the idea of sleeping with animals. The roots of superstitions forbidding sleeping with animals can be traced back to ancient times.
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