To make the neighbours jealous: Plant this flower and it will bloom before the first frost

Canna, a gorgeous flower that came to us from Central and South America, has become popular among our flower growers due to its bright and varied color.
It usually grows in sunny areas, near water bodies or in mountain gorges. The flowers of canna amaze with their size, with a diameter from 4 cm to 8 cm, and some varieties can reach a height of up to 2 meters. Their coloration can be very different, from bright yellows and reds to orange and pink. Although white cannas are less common, they are striking in their beauty, writes.
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Canna is a perennial plant and its flowers bloom within 30-40 days. In our latitudes it is recommended to dig it up, but do not hurry about doing this to preserve this plant for the winter,. The best time for it is the second half of October, when the first frosts will come. If the summer is hot and long, then in April it can even stop bloomimg. Therefore, digging up the canna should be postponed until late fall, so that the plant has the opportunity to accumulate nutrients for winter.
Before digging up about 2 weeks before the planned date, do not water the plant. Be careful not to damage the root neck while digging. It is best to use a pitchfork rather than a shovel. Leave about 20-30 cm of the stem and remove the flower together with a lump of earth while digging. So the plant will be ready for storage and the above-ground part should be cut off, leaving only about 20 cm of stem. Do not divide the clump into pieces until spring arrives.
To preserve the dug rhizome, put it in a box where you put peat, sawdust and sand in equal parts. During storage, this substrate should not dry out, so periodically it should be sprinkled. The optimum storage temperature is between 5°C and 7°C. Therefore, you can use the cellar or a vegetable container in the refrigerator as a storage place. Thus, you will prepare your cannas for the new season and will be able to enjoy their beauty again next year.
Recall, we told you about 5 useful tips for caring for indoor plants in the fall.
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