What you should never do with a needle to avoid problems and misfortune

A needle can become a home amulet and help you get rid of problems in your life. Therefore, it should be handled with care.
In addition, the needle can bring serious problems to the house. UAportal explains what is strictly forbidden to do with this object.
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What not to do with a needle
People say that you should never pick up a needle found at the doorstep or on your clothes. You should do this with a rag and be sure to break it, and then throw it away as far as possible from your home.
Because such a needle can be planted by envious and evil people who wish you trouble, misfortune, health, and money problems.
If a person steps on a needle with his or her foot, it is a sign of a quarrel that may happen with loved ones.
Needles should have their own place in the house, hidden from prying eyes. Because one unkind look is enough to make the needle become a source of trouble rather than a talisman.
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When a needle can bring happiness
- If the needle breaks while you are sewing, you should expect good news and gifts.
- If a girl pricks her finger, she may meet a boyfriend or get married.
Remember that you need to live in a good mood, otherwise, the thing will be harmed by the bad thoughts you "added" to it.
It is also forbidden to sew in front of the road, so as not to sew the path and make it successful. Clothes should not be sewn up on yourself or someone else, or if you decide to do it, you should take the thread in your mouth.
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