Blogger named a fruit that helps you fall asleep within minutes

While there are many factors that can affect sleep, sometimes you just can't fall asleep. A blogger is convinced that this can be remedied by eating a single fruit before bed.
On TikTok, 21-year-old Emma Lee stated that eating a pineapple before bed helped her fall asleep sooner and sleep much deeper than before. She explained that the fruit increases the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone in the body.
Max Kirsten, a sleep coach and a regular Panda London expert confirmed that this is true. According to him, eating pineapples or drinking fresh pineapple juice before bedtime increases the level of melatonin markers in the brain by 266 percent.
"Tryptophan (an amino acid found in pineapple) naturally increases melatonin (a hormone that signals the onset of sleep) and serotonin levels in the brain, inducing feelings of calmness, sleepiness and relaxation," he noted.
In addition to boosting melatonin levels, pineapple has a high water content, which keeps the body functioning properly during sleep. Pineapple also has anti-inflammatory properties, helping to alleviate any pain.
We suggest you also learn tips from sleep experts who have revealed what makes a person wake up during the night.
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