Tasty and crumbly: the secrets of making buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is, at first glance, an elementary dish to prepare. But even here there are secrets. UaPortal has collected tips for you on how to make buckwheat porridge very tasty.
Preparation of buckwheat:
- wash the groats in cold water;
– clean it of garbage;
- cook only in clean water in dishes with thick walls;
- it is necessary to add salt and spices at the beginning of cooking;
- cook buckwheat for 20-25 minutes after boiling;
- Add butter to the finished porridge and leave for 10 minutes.
- if you want a crumbly porridge - dry the grains in a dry pan: for no more than 3 minutes on moderate heat, then cook as usual.
Read also: Recipe for light soup "after the holidays".
How to cook buckwheat
For cooking buckwheat, water is taken according to the calculation: 1 part of buckwheat to 2 parts of water. Pour water over the buckwheat, add salt, and add your favorite spices. Dill, basil, paprika, coriander, parsley, and oregano go best with this porridge. There is no need to stir the porridge when cooking. To check whether the porridge is ready, run a spoon along the bottom of the pan - if there is no water, then you can remove it from the heat.
Also, you can fry onions and carrots and add them to ready-made buckwheat (then you don't need to add butter).
We also recommend trying baked potatoes with a crispy crust.
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