Easter Sunday 2023: can you eat in a cemetery?

Memorial week begins on the 9th day after Easter. This year, Radonitsa or Send-off falls on April 25.
When to visit the cemetery
You can't go to the cemetery only on Easter. It is better to do so on the deceased's birthday, the day of his or her death, Angel's Day, and on Radonitsa. If you want to visit the deceased more often, choose a Saturday.
It is best to come to the grave in the morning before 12 noon. A cemetery is a place of great concentration of negative energy, which is felt by every visitor.
In the late afternoon, the energy at the cemetery deteriorates, so visiting it in the evening can negatively affect a person's physical and mental state.
It is believed that coming to the cemetery in the dark can disturb the deceased and even make him angry.
Is it possible to eat in a cemetery?
Our ancestors used to organize feasts right on the graves of their relatives. Such a ritual was called "trizna"; the first mention of it was found in the 10th century AD. When Christianity came to Russia, the ritual ceased to be popular, but its echoes have reached our days.
The ancient Slavs only prayed at the cemetery. But we can assume where the tradition of eating at the cemetery came from. The trip to the cemetery was long and dangerous for most families. Many stayed at the cemetery until the morning, so they took food with them.
In the past, wakes with a lot of food were held for the needy. They believed that God would definitely hear their prayers.
Read also: What is forbidden to do at the cemetery.
Is it possible to eat at a cemetery nowadays?
Donate food to the homeless and ask them to pray for the deceased. Food does not matter at the cemetery, so it is better not to bring it with you. The most important thing is prayer.
On Radonitsa, people often take a lot of food and alcohol to the cemetery. The church does not recommend eating at the cemetery, and drinking alcohol is prohibited.
As a reminder, we have already written about what you can and cannot take to the cemetery on Memorial Day.
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