Holy Week 2023: what is allowed to eat by day

Holy Week is the last week of Lent, which ends before Easter. Fasting restrictions become stricter at this time. UaPortal will tell you what exactly is allowed and forbidden to eat during Holy Week.
This year, Easter will be celebrated on April 16, so Holy Week will be from April 10 to 15.
Holy Week and Lent coincide, although they are different events. Believers honor them both by attending church services and keeping a strict fast.
Read also: Prohibitions of Good Friday and what is the taking out of the shroud.
What to eat during Holy Week:
Holy Monday - raw vegetables and fruits, bread, honey, and nuts are allowed. You can eat only once a day, preferably in the evening.
Holy Tuesday - you can eat bread, honey, nuts, raw vegetables, and fruits. Fatty foods are prohibited.
Holy Wednesday - you can eat bread, honey, nuts, raw vegetables, and fruits. Fatty food is prohibited.
Holy Thursday - you can eat nuts, honey, raw fruits and vegetables, and bread. Warm food is allowed, but it should be low-fat. A little wine is allowed. On this day, preparations for Easter begin: believers can bake cakes and dye eggs.
Holy Friday - food is completely prohibited, and only water is allowed. You can fast like this only if you are in good health and have no contraindications.
Holy Saturday - it is allowed to eat raw fruits and vegetables, honey, bread, and nuts. You can also eat hot food. Wine is prohibited.
Sunday (Easter) - you can eat anything, but with caution, given the strict restrictions of the previous days.
As a reminder, UaPortal has already written about the traditions and prohibitions of Maundy Thursday.
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