Feathers as messengers of fate: what are the folk beliefs and superstitions?

In Ukrainian culture, the superstition of finding feathers on the street is often associated with the belief in guardian angels or spirits. The origins of this belief can be traced back to ancient times, when feathers were seen as a symbol of the connection between humans and the spiritual world.
It was believed that the appearance of feathers was a sign that a person was under supervision and protection. This belief has been passed down from generation to generation, leading to the superstition that finding feathers brings good luck and positive energy.
From a mystical and occult point of view, feathers are believed to have spiritual energy and symbolism. Different types are associated with different meanings. For example, finding a white feather is often seen as a sign of purity and spiritual guidance, while a black feather can be interpreted as a warning or message from a higher power.
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It is also believed that feathers carry the energy of the bird to which they belong, and each bird is associated with certain qualities or characteristics. Therefore, finding a feather on the street can be seen as a message or a sign from the spiritual world that guides and protects the person who found it.
According to witch doctors, people seeking greater happiness should look for magpie or seagull feathers. The former is believed to protect the home from the evil eye, while the latter brings good luck in travelling and business endeavours.
For those looking for powerful energy, eagle feathers are highly valued. On the other hand, it is believed that swan feathers help to establish a fulfilling personal life. In addition, finding a duck feather is said to attract prosperity. However, it is recommended to refrain from collecting crows' feathers.
Feathers also play an important role in esotericism, where experts suggest carefully selecting them to create powerful amulets. In addition, practitioners believe that walking with a feather around a living space can serve as a cleansing ritual, eliminating negativity.
Earlier, we told you why everyone was told in childhood that they shouldn't eat with a knife. However, not everyone knows where this sign came from and what the consequences of breaking it are.
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