Separating the nonsense from the reality: seven myths about pets

Pets have always been surrounded by myths and superstitions, and cats have been at the center of many of them. However, it's time to dispel these unfounded beliefs and adopt a more rational understanding of these furry companions. Let's take a look at some common pet myths that you shouldn't believe in anymore.
Black cats and bad luck
Contrary to popular belief, black cats do not bring bad luck. There is no scientific evidence linking chronic bad luck to the presence of black cats. This myth originated in the Middle Ages, at a time when rampant prejudice was common.
The ability of cats to always land on their paws
Although cats have excellent reflexes, they do not have supernatural powers. When they fall, they instinctively try to land on their paws, but this does not guarantee a safe fall, especially from a great height.
Cats and babies
In the Middle Ages, people believed that cats could "steal the breath" of babies, leading to their deaths. Modern science, however, attributes these unfortunate deaths to sudden infant death syndrome, not to cats.
The myth of the nine lives
The origin of the idea that cats have nine lives remains a mystery. Although cats are hardy creatures and can endure pain, it is important not to abuse their abilities.
Read also: Veterinarians explained whether you can feed cats and dogs potatoes
The tail and happiness
There is a common belief that the higher a cat or dog holds its tail, the happier it is. While this may be true for dogs, the correlation is less obvious for cats.
Color perception by dogs
For a long time, it was believed that dogs have poor color perception, seeing the world only in black and white. However, they can distinguish between purple, blue, and yellow, although they see more shades of gray than humans. Their sense of smell plays a more important role in their perception of the world.
Dogs understand mistakes
It is commonly believed that dogs feel shame and learn from their mistakes when they are scolded. However, experts suggest that they can associate punishment with an incident only when they are caught in the act. Over time, the dog's ability to understand the reason for the punishment decreases.
As a reminder, veterinarians explained what foods can be deadly for pets.
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