You need a lot of sun: how to grow tomatoes in pots at home

Love tomatoes and would like to grow this delicacy, but do not have a summer cottage? No problem, this vegetable grows perfectly at home. UaPortal will tell you a few rules that will help you harvest a good harvest of home tomatoes.
First, buy large pots for seedlings. The larger the pots, the better the result will be (a pot with a diameter of 40 centimeters is ideal). Then choose the variety of tomatoes you would like to grow.
Fill the pots with highly nutritious, high-quality soil. Make good drainage.
Before planting the seedling, remove the lower row of leaves, dig a hole, and lower most of the plant into the ground so that only the top bunch is visible. Cover the tomato with soil. Put supports so that the plant can grow vertically. The peg near the stem should reach the bottom. Tie it to the stem.
Read also: How to get rid of ticks in the country.
Put the tomatoes in a warm and sunny place. It's great if they can get 6-8 hours of sunlight. But too much sun is also not necessary: it can lead to the death of the plant.
Water the tomatoes regularly, if necessary - daily. Every two weeks, add a tomato or all-purpose fertilizer to the soil. Check if your soil contains nutrients (some soils already have fertilizer in them).
Tomatoes form fruits after flowering for 25-60 days. In small varieties, it takes from 3 to 4 weeks.
We will remind you that UaPortal already wrote about how to grow tulips in trays with eggs.
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