What wedding signs should not be broken in order not to spoil the marriage: a selection of the most common superstitions

A wedding day is an extraordinary event that is often regarded as one of the most significant moments in a person's life. Couples embark on this special journey full of hopes and dreams of eternal love. UAportal has prepared a selection of the most common and intriguing beliefs associated with this significant event.
Superstitions related to outfits and jewellery
One of the age-old superstitions advises future newlyweds not to see each other in the morning before the ceremony. The groom should remain in the dark about the bride's choice of outfit. Likewise, the bride herself should see her reflection only in a glimpse, either fragmentarily or without certain accessories, such as gloves, veil, handbag or shoes.
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When it comes to the bride's dress, preference is given to a full-length dress rather than separate parts such as corsets and skirts. It is believed that such a choice scares away separation.
When choosing jewellery, it is recommended to avoid pearls. These shiny gems symbolise tears and are considered unfavourable for a happy marriage.
Instead, the bride can wear earrings borrowed from a friend who is happily married. In addition, the focus should be on the wedding ring and no other jewellery should adorn the bride's hands.
The wedding ring itself should be smooth, without stones and engraving, symbolising a harmonious and free from obstacles union. However, a couple can choose larger rings for wealth.
It is permissible to use your parents' wedding rings, but it is believed that this can lead to a repetition of their fate. Losing a wedding ring during the ceremony is considered a bad sign of possible infidelity.
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Protection from the evil eye and good luck
To ensure a successful married life, it is customary for the bride to shed tears before or during the wedding. It is believed that these tears wash away possible misfortunes. Parental advice and blessings are considered a source of emotional support, while failures on the wedding day are not welcome.
To protect the newlyweds from the evil eye, it is customary to attach an English pin to their clothes with the head pointing down. The bride attaches the amulet to the hem of her dress, and the groom attaches it under his boutonniere.
No one should pass between the newlyweds on their special day. In addition, so that no one can take the husband or wife out of the family, no one should stand in front of them while they look in the mirror.
The bride's veil acts as a protective talisman, so she should leave the house with her face covered. Revealing the bride's face is for the groom during the marriage ceremony.
To protect himself from possible financial difficulties in his married life, the groom can put a banknote or coin in his right shoe, which symbolises prosperity. Throughout the wedding day, he should walk with this hidden treasure.
When the bride and groom go outside, they are traditionally showered with symbolic objects. Rice or wheat is thrown as a sign of fertility, coins for financial prosperity, and sweets for a sweet and joyful life.
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To prevent conflicts and disagreements in marriage, the newlyweds take part in the ritual of breaking a plate at the wedding and step over the broken pieces. It is also believed that breaking the first glass of champagne brings good luck.
Throughout the wedding celebration, the newlyweds should dance only with each other, with the exception of their parents. After the bride dances with her father and the groom with his mother, they are brought together to join hands.
Other wedding signs
According to popular belief, the first person to step on the wedding mat symbolises the head of the family. An alternative interpretation of this sign is associated with the wedding loaf: the one who tears off the largest piece is destined to take on the role of head of the family.
Similarly, the groom should not pick up anything that the bride has dropped during the wedding. Symbolically, this act means his submission to her authority. It is also believed that this portends a short life for the groom and the possibility of widowhood for the bride.
When the groom carries the bride across the threshold of the new house, he assumes the role of the family's head. According to custom, the one who crosses the threshold first takes on the responsibilities associated with this role.
We would like to remind you that prohibitions and superstitions in Ukraine have played a significant role in shaping the country's cultural identity. Therefore, UAportal tells you about the most common superstitions and prohibitions that exist in Ukrainian everyday life and family life.
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