How to go through your closet and put your wardrobe in order: tips from fashionistas

Are you tired of rummaging through your wardrobe every morning in search of the perfect outfit? Do you wish to have a simple and effective method for organizing your clothes?
UAportal has prepared a helpful guide that will assist you in managing your wardrobe. By implementing these practical tips and tricks, you can transform a cluttered closet into a well-organized and functional space.
Sorting and organizing
Start by removing everything from your closet and assessing each item. Categorize your clothes into three groups: keep, donate, and discard. Ask yourself if each item fits, if it is in good condition, and if you have worn it in the past year. Be honest with yourself and let go of items you no longer require.
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Categorize items into categories and groups
Identify various categories, such as outerwear, innerwear, dresses, and accessories. Within each category, group similar items together. For instance, hang all your blouses together, separate your pants from your skirts, and store your accessories in dedicated drawers or bins. This way, you will have a clear overview of your wardrobe and be able to locate what you need easily.
Use a storage solution
Utilize hangers, hooks, and shelves to optimize vertical space. Employ shoe racks or transparent shoe boxes to maintain your shoes in an organized and easily visible manner.
Utilize drawer dividers or small baskets to store items like socks, underwear, or belts. Additionally, free up space and declutter your wardrobe by utilizing storage bins or vacuum bags for seasonal items.
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Stick to the system
Make it a habit to return items to their designated places after each use. This will prevent your wardrobe from becoming messy again. Regularly go through your clothes and repeat the sorting and tidying process to maintain an organized and up-to-date wardrobe.
Optimize your wardrobe layout
Arrange your clothes based on their frequency of use, ensuring that the most frequently worn items are easily accessible. Hang delicate or easily wrinkled items to prevent damage. Optimize your storage solutions according to your space, such as utilizing hooks on the inside of doors for accessories or incorporating a full-length mirror for added convenience.
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