How to freshen up second-hand clothes quickly and easily: how to remove unpleasant odours

Many people like to buy second-hand clothes, whether in second-hand stores or on online platforms. This is not only a cost-effective option, but also an opportunity to find unique items that stand out from the mainstream fashion.
However, one of the most common problems with second-hand clothes is the presence of a persistent smell. UAportal has prepared tips on how to get rid of an unpleasant smell.
Read also: How to remove stubborn stains from clothes
Vinegar solution
Vinegar is a versatile household ingredient that is often used in various cleaning products. To get rid of the formaldehyde smell, you will need 100 ml of vinegar, 10 litres of hot water and 50 g of baking soda.
Dissolve the vinegar and baking soda in hot water and then soak the clothes in this solution for about 8 hours or overnight, depending on the intensity of the odour. After the time has elapsed, rinse the garment thoroughly and wash it as usual. This simple but effective method will save you from having to wash your clothes several times.
Read also: Extremely dangerous: what things should not be bought at the "second hand"
Soaking in ammonia
Another effective solution for dealing with formaldehyde odours is ammonia. Prepare a mixture of 10 litres of 5% ammonia and 5 litres of hot water. Soak natural fabrics for 1 hour and synthetic fabrics for 6 hours.
It is very important not to mix different fabrics and colours during the process. After soaking, take out the clothes, rinse them in plain water and leave them to dry in the sun. Finally, wash the clothes using your preferred method.
Earlier, UAportal wrote about the washing machine mode, which is better not to use so that things do not remain dirty after washing, as well as what to do after washing so that mould and bad smell do not appear in the washing machine.
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