Danilov responds to Medvedev's propaganda about the "Korean scenario" for Ukraine

The Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council, Oleksiy Danilov, has responded to former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's statements about a possible "Korean scenario" for Ukraine with a strong statement that the country will not have foreign histories and scenarios imposed on it.
Ukraine has a turbulent history when it comes to war, and the current political landscape is no different. Former Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev recently expressed his opinion on how events in the country could unfold, stating that a "Korean scenario" is possible, which would involve dividing the territory of Ukraine based on an arbitrary parallel. The Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC), Oleksiy Danilov, responded on Twitter, saying that such speculations would not come true, as "there will be no 38 parallels and foreign stories imposed from outside".
Oleksiy Danilov strongly rejected these statements by Dmitry Medvedev on Twitter, stating: "Ukraine is not Korea. There will be no 38th parallel and no foreign stories imposed from the outside." He then went on to add that the Ukrainian armed forces now have weapons sufficient to strike targets on Russian territory if necessary. He concluded his tweet by reiterating his confidence in his forces, saying that they are determined and focused on their mission with the given coordinates, so no changes are expected in the future.
These statements by NSDC Secretary Oleksiy Danilov make it clear that any attempts to speculate on what might happen in terms of the division lines on Ukrainian soil are futile, as this decision can only be made by Ukrainians themselves without any outside interference, as happened during the Korean War more than half a century ago. This was clearly stated on Twitter, which clarified the positions of both sides, ensuring stability and peace in the future instead of the chaos caused by the spread of disinformation.
Oleksiy Danilov
Oleksiy Danilov was appointed Chief National Security and Defence Advisor in 2019 under President Zelenskyy after years of working primarily in foreign policy, including various government positions ranging from Deputy Head of the Presidential Office for Appointments and Personnel to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France, as well as other positions, before finally finding himself at the centre of Ukraine's security issues.