What can dreaming of fish mean: danger or success

Dreams have always been a fascinating topic, and many people look for hidden meanings in them. Dreams are often seen as a way for the subconscious mind to communicate with the conscious one, and some people believe that they can predict the future or provide insight into a person's innermost thoughts and desires.
However, not all dream symbols are the same, and some of them are considered harbingers of misfortune. UAportal has prepared an article that explores the symbolism and cultural significance of dreaming of fish.
Dreaming of fish
Fish is a common symbol of dreams and can have different meanings depending on the context of the dream. In general, fish are associated with abundance, fertility, and prosperity.
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However, when it comes to dreaming about dead fish, the interpretation is not so positive. Dead fish are often seen as a sign of failure or misfortune. Such dreams can symbolize the end of something important, such as a relationship or business venture.
Cultural significance
Different cultures have their own interpretations of fish dreams. In Japanese culture, dreaming of fish is considered a positive omen, as it is believed to bring success and prosperity.
In Chinese culture, on the other hand, dreaming of fish is associated with death and is considered a bad omen. In some African cultures, it is believed such kind of dream is a warning to be careful of enemies who may be hiding in the shadows.
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Examples of cultural beliefs related to fish
In some Native American cultures, dreaming of fish are considered a powerful symbol of change and transformation. Fish are considered creatures that are constantly moving and adapting to their environment, and dreaming about them can indicate that the dreamer needs to be more adaptable in their waking life.
In Hawaiian culture, dreams about fish are associated with the god Kanaloa, who is believed to be the protector of the ocean and all its inhabitants. Dreaming of fish in this context is seen as a sign that the dreamer is under the supervision and protection of the gods.
Earlier, UAportal wrote about why you can't give flowers in a pot, as well as about signs and superstitions associated with the arrival of guests.
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